Friday, 2 March 2012

St David's Day

March 1st is St David's Day in Wales

Saint David, or Dewi Sant, as he is known in the Welsh language, is the patron saint of Wales. He was a Celtic monk, abbot and bishop, who lived in the sixth century. During his life, he was the archbishop of Wales, and he was one of many early saints who helped to spread Christianity among the pagan Celtic tribes of western Britain.  March 1st is considered as a National Day, but not a Holiday; they do go to work, businesses as usual. 
Across Wales on March 1, St. David’s Day parades take place, and in bigger cities food festivals, concerts and street parties also occur.

The leek and the daffodil - both emblems of Wales.
They share the Welsh name Ceninen. A lot of people wear daffodils in their button hole or as a pin.

Leek and daffodil
A porehagyma es a narcisz a nemzeti jelkepuk.

Unfortunately, I missed the parade yesterday, but went to a Welsh bag pipe street concert.

Celtic bag pipe music
Welszi dudasok.

On the tables there are daffodils and you'll see some of the people wearing daffodil pins.

St David's Day.  National colors: white, red, and  green.
Szent David napjan nemzeti szinekbe oltoztettek a varost.  Feher, piros, zold.

Of course, food, food, and food everywhere.
Here is a menu, advertised in front of a restaurant.  Seems very Welsh to me.

St David's Day Special
Szent David napi ettermi ajanlat.  ( A felet sem ismerjuk)

Despite the fact that Saint David abstained from drinking and advised others to do the same, a number of Welsh breweries make special St. David’s Day ales. Cardiff brewers Brains describe theirs as ‘a light, daffodil colored ale.

Brains advertisement on a building.
Az egyik hires soruknek az a neve, hogy Agyak.  Az emblemaja ott van a hazfalon.

Why would they name a beer Brains, I do not know.

Talking about food.  Every Sunday we noticed that the traditional Sunday lunch or dinner is roast.
We were sight seeing and around lunch time thought perfect time to try the traditional roast.  Went to the Black Lion Restaurant and here is a picture of the roast.

Sunday beef roast
Beef, roasted potato, peas, yellow potato, carrots, and yorkshire pudding.
Vasarnapi Marha sult, krumplival, borsoval, sargarepaval es yorkshire pudinggal.

The Black Lion
A Fekete Oroszlan etterem

After lunch we found a nursery and junior school, it was so charming.
Nursery school
Egy ovoda es Alltalanos iskola

Other than beer, they also like tea, with milk, with or without milk.
I noticed that cappuccino is also very popular.  I'm at a very good place don't you think?

Szeretik a kapuccsinot, de ugy erzem en is.

Hope you liked the stories and pictures today.
Please come back next week.

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